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Gold Samadhi Yogi
Samadhi Health


health retreat


I found my passion for yoga over a decade ago after a motorcycle accident that left me physically injured and mentally frigile. Yoga helped me heal both my injured body and fractured mind, and quickly became a central part of how I lead my life.


Meditation found me at a time when I needed to find the inner strength to help me get through this wonderful journey called life. Since then, yoga and meditation have become a part of my daily practice, knowing that the power within allows me to move through life with grace, compassion, gratitude and joy.


I became a Certified Yoga Teacher through the Baptiste Yoga Foundation—with an athletic background in running, gymnastics, ballet, and dance, the Baptiste Style, was the perfect complement to my fitness training. I received a Nutrition Coach Certification from the Institute of Integrated Nutrition and a Personal Training certification and Nutrition Certification through The NASM.

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